The following features and enhancements are now available with the release of Bocada 22.3.13. This version is a Minor Release and will be supported in accordance with the Support Terms.
New Features
Google Cloud
Added incremental monitoring and reporting for Cloud SQL including Managed SQL Server, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.
Spectrum Protect
Added new reports for Spectrum Protect, including Maintenance activities, Admin Jobs, and other backup server health check items.
Reporting for Spectrum Protect (SP) Admin jobs includes:
- Migration: Offload primary copy data from Disk to tape to free up disk for next backup cycle.
- Protect Stg: Sync Container Storage pools between 2 servers.
- Tiering: Tiering data from on-prem stgpool to cloud stgpool (part of Protect Stg.)
- Backup Stg: Create secondary copy of data. Backup Primary storage pools to tape.
- Spectrum Protect DB Backup: Backup of SP Database.
- Expire Inventory: Remove pointers from SP database of expired data to free up media.
- Reclamation: Reuse tapes by emptying those with low utilization.
Other Health Check additions include Log Utilization, Scratch Tape Availability, and Spectrum Protect Database Utilization.
Agent information is now available in the Group Session field. This can be found in several backup reports such as the Job Activity or Backup Failures report. It can also drive groupings in the Job Trends and Consecutive Failures report.
Additional support for Commvault V2 Indexing has also been added in this release.
GAP Plugin
Improved import data forgiveness when job start times are missing seconds or hours from the datetime. In the event of missing datetime information, the job start time will be floored to 00 hours or 00 seconds, dependent on the missing values.