Now Available In Bocada 20.3.12

The Bocada Team | December 24, 2020

The following features and enhancements are now available with the release of Bocada 20.3.12:

New Features

Micro Focus Service Manager Ticketing Integration
Added functionality to generate incidents in Service Manager using criteria-based automation. Incidents are dynamically updated if multiple failures occur in the same object, removing the need for multiple tickets. The Incident History report can also be used to identify ticket status and any changes made to tickets in Server Manager, including assignment, state, urgency, severity, resolution, and other attributes.

Data Domain Appliance Utilization
Added a bar chart to highlight Data Domain storage usage including total capacity and utilization for each specified appliance, including a drill-down with details such as percent used and cleanable space.

Data Domain Appliance Utilization Graph


Data Domain Storage Usage Details



Improved Dynamic Charting
Greatly improved look and feel of reports that use charts as well as added increased interactivity. This release contains new charts for Backup Activity related reporting including Backup Health, Backup Health Trends, Backup Trends, Backup Duration Trends and Restore Health. More charts throughout the platform will be updated in subsequent releases.



Backup Client Classification for Endpoints
Added the ability to identify clients as endpoints.

ServiceNow Incidents Column Added to Reports
A column has been added to several reports that shows ServiceNow identifiers in plain text format. This allows exported report to show the TT Number and/or the TT Link.


For questions regarding the features available in Bocada 20.3.12, please contact us at